Feeder Protection

Advanced protection through flexibility, programmability and communications.

735/737 - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the or relays Retrofit Existing SR Devices...

Multilin 750/760 - Legacy

Manufacturing for has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the The Feeder Protection System a member of the...

Multilin A60 - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the or Series relays The Multilin A...

DBF Digital Breaker Failure - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the or Series relays The Multilin A...

DFF Digital Frequency Relay - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the F G or F relays The...

DFP100 Digital Feeder Relay (Discontinued)

The DFP is a digital protection control metering and monitoring system It uses waveform sampling of the current and voltage...

DFP200 Digital Feeder Protection (Discontinued)

The DFP is a digital relay system that provides distribution feeder protection control metering and monitoring It uses waveform sampling...

DMS Digital Multifunction System - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to F or F relays The DMS Feeder...

DRS - LegacyNumerical Single-Phase and Three-Phase Reclosing System

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the F F or relays The DRS...

FM2 Feeder Manager 2 - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the Multilin and P N Relays The...

Genesis Software - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the Multilin and P N Relays The...

MIF - Legacy

The MIF a member of the M Family of protection relays is a microprocessor based relay that provides primary circuit...

MIF II - Legacy

The MIF II part of the M II Family of economical and highly functional digital relays provides comprehensive distribution feeder...

MIN Digital Ground Protection - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the relay The MIN a member of...

MIV Voltage/Frequency M Family Relay – Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the P V and relays The MIV...

P161, P162 & P163 - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the relay MiCOM Agile P P P...

MiCOM Agile P341 - Legacy

The P is under last-time buy Orders may be placed until st December and will be fulfilled based upon availability...

MiCOM Agile P841 - Legacy

The P is under last-time buy Orders may be placed until th June and will be fulfilled based upon availability...

SMOR-B - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued As an alternative please refer to F or F relays Manufacturing for this...

SR Family - Legacy

Manufacturing for the SR products have been discontinued As an alternative please refer to the Series product line The SR...

M Family Modular Microprocessor Relays - Legacy

Manufacturing for these products have been discontinuedThe M Family is a new generation of modular microprocessor protective relays based on...

MIC Digital Overcurrent Relay - Legacy

Manufacturing for these products have been discontinuedThe M Family is a new generation of modular microprocessor protective relays based on...

K Series - Legacy

Manufacturing for the K-Series has been discontinued except for the items identified below KVGC More Info Buy NowKITZ More Info...