Improve Your Outcomes With Flexible Service Agreements
Business environment is constantly transforming for substation owners but the need to deliver consistent outcomes remains. That’s where a Flexible Service Agreement can help. By partnering with GE on a long term, customers can realize the full potential of their electrical substations and network assets while balancing performance and investment, along with predictable costs and flexible billing arrangements, letting them get back to focusing on what matters.
Tailor the Service Contract to Meet Desired Outcomes and Risk Profile
Customized Service Package
GE’s Grid Services partners with T&D operators and industrials to select only the support options they need. Our field experienced specialists will consider asset criticality, fleet size, location, in-house capabilities, system complexity and business pro
Discover the Flexibility
Hotline & expert remote support (Office working hours)
Hotline & expert remote support (24/7)
Local technical support
Local operation
General / Routine maintenance
Scheduled maintenance coverage
Unscheduled maintenance
Strategic spare parts supply & management
Asset Performance Management (APM) software
Performance Guarantee (Bonus / LDs)*
Response time
Reliability or/and availability
Outage duration (during maintenance)
* Upon conditions detailed in the contract
Hotline & expert remote support (Office working hours)
Hotline & expert remote support (24/7)
Local technical support
Local operation
General / Routine maintenance
Scheduled maintenance coverage
Unscheduled maintenance coverage
Strategic spare parts supply & management
Digital Asset Performance Management (APM) software
Performance Guarantee (Bonus / LDs)*
Response time
Reliability or/and availability
Outage duration (during maintenance)
* Upon conditions detailed in the contract
Hotline & expert remote support (Office working hours)
Hotline & expert remote support (24/7)
Local technical support
Local operation
General / Routine maintenance
Scheduled maintenance coverage
Unscheduled maintenance coverage
Strategic spare parts supply & management
Digital Asset Performance Management (APM) software
Performance Guarantee (Bonus / LDs)*
Response time
Reliability or/and availability
Outage duration (during maintenance)
* Upon conditions detailed in the contract
Hotline & expert remote support (Office working hours)
Hotline & expert remote support (24/7)
Local technical support
Local operation
General / Routine maintenance
Scheduled maintenance coverage
Unscheduled maintenance coverage
Strategic spare parts supply & management
Digital Asset Performance Management (APM) software
Performance Guarantee (Bonus / LDs)*
Response time
Reliability or/and availability
Outage duration (during maintenance)
* Upon conditions detailed in the contract
Hotline & expert remote support (Office working hours)
Hotline & expert remote support (24/7)
Local technical support
Local operation
General / Routine maintenance
Scheduled maintenance coverage
Unscheduled maintenance coverage
Strategic spare parts supply & management
Digital Asset Performance Management (APM) software
Performance Guarantee (Bonus / LDs)*
Response time
Reliability or/and availability
Outage duration (during maintenance)
* Upon conditions detailed in the contract
Guaranteed Outcomes
Through outcome-based contracts, GE can guarantee the performance and availability of the system in order to ensure long-term value. By offering substantial guarantees and risk sharing flexibility, GE customizes each agreement to operators’ substation needs and desired business outcomes.
Learn How Customers Already Achieve Their Outcomes
24/7 support for a Flexible AC Transmission System
Transmission utility in US increased its substation performance level to 99,2%
Offshore and onshore wind substations
A wind farm owner optimized the performance of its HVDC systems
Industrial substation operations and maintenance
An international Indian airport secured the availability of its critical assets