Low Voltage Utility Solutions
GE’s ITI business provides a complete line of instrument transformers for the electrical utility industry, offering customers a broad choice in selecting instrument transformers. All transformers meet IEEE C57.13-2008 and CAN/CSA 60044 insulation level standards and IEEE C12.11 dimension standards, and are produced in our ISO 9001 certified facilities in Clearwater, Florida and Somersworth, NH.
Low Voltage CT 600V
JAR-OC Model
10KV BIL; 60 Hz
Valox thermoplastic resin case encapsulated w/ polyurethane resin Designed for indoor service; for connection in the secondary circuit of a main current transformer to change the effective ratio seen by meters and relays. Its accuracy is suitable for use with totalizing meters and relays. It is designed for use on circuits not exceeding 600V to ground.