Encompass™ Current Transformers from GE offer electrical utilities piece of mind knowing they’ll have the right CT in stock. Upgrade today and eliminate the need for multiple current ratios, thereby simplifying CT selection.


Encompass wide range CTs are designed for commercial and industrial applications. Encompass CT’s substantially reduce inventory, complexity and improve standardization for meter shop operations, particularly when used with GE’s kV2c FITZALL™ transformer rated meters.

  • JCR-0W, 10A-1000A, 2” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • JAK-0W, 20A-2000A, 3” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • JAB-0W, 20A-3000A, 4.5” x 3.5” Window, specifically designed for secondary bushing of padmount transformers
  • JAD-0W, 40A-4500A, 5.75” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • Meets IEEE C57.13 definition of 0.3 Standard Revenue Metering accuracy class, with additional extended range performance capability
  • The same ANSI mounting provisions, terminals, construction as standard CT’s
  • Reduce inventory requirements
  • Reduce part numbers
  • Simplify CT selection
  • Simplify billing multipliers


Current Transformers (600V)

Encompass™ Current Transformers from GE offer electrical utilities piece of mind knowing they’ll have the right CT in stock. Upgrade today and eliminate the need for multiple current ratios, thereby simplifying CT selection.


Encompass wide range CTs are designed for commercial and industrial applications. Encompass CT’s substantially reduce inventory, complexity and improve standardization for meter shop operations, particularly when used with GE’s kV2c FITZALL™ transformer rated meters.

  • JCR-0W, 10A-1000A, 2” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • JAK-0W, 20A-2000A, 3” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • JAB-0W, 20A-3000A, 4.5” x 3.5” Window, specifically designed for secondary bushing of padmount transformers
  • JAD-0W, 40A-4500A, 5.75” Window, Indoor/Outdoor
  • Meets IEEE C57.13 definition of 0.3 Standard Revenue Metering accuracy class, with additional extended range performance capability
  • The same ANSI mounting provisions, terminals, construction as standard CT’s
  • Reduce inventory requirements
  • Reduce part numbers
  • Simplify CT selection
  • Simplify billing multipliers

Application Overview: Secondary Metering with Current Transformers

Encompass and RevenueSense CTs provide flexibility for commercial and industrial applications, indoor or outdoor service and bar-type or window-type configurations.


application overview


Redefining the Test Limits

Traditionally, CT accuracy is tested at:

  • 10% of rated current (light load)
  • 100% of rated current (full load)
  • With a rating factor between 1.0 and 4.0.

With GE Encompass CT’s, the 0.3 accuracy class is extended by changing the test points to:

  • 4% of rated current (light load)
  • 40% of rated current (full load)
  • With a typical rating factor of 4.0

Wide Range Designed for CL20 Meter

A rating factor of 4.0 means the Current Transformer meets rated accuracy at up to 4 times the rated primary current. Thus, the output on a 5 Amp CT secondary can be used up to 20 Amps if a rating factor of 4.0 is assigned to the CT (4.0*5A = 20A). This pairs the CT output range and the Meter input range when used with a CL20 transformer rated meter, maximizing the performance potential of the system.        



Standard CT Test Limits

Standard CT Test Limits



Encompass Test Limits

Encompass Test Limits


Results and Benefits

The 4% and 40% test points in combination with a high rating factor of 4.0 means 1 Encompass CT can equal or better the performance of both higher AND lower ratios.

The 500:5 Encompass unit when compared to a 200:5 standard CT has equal to or better test results at all points included even low currents and is available at an equivalent price. This comparison holds true across several other standard CT ratios, meaning one Encompass CT can functionally replace up to eight other standard ratios, allowing for an inventory reduction of up to nearly 90%.


Results and Benefits chart


encompass CT vs standard CT photo

Encompass CT vs. Standard CT

To demonstrate the advantages of upgrading to an Encompass CT, 
let’s compare a JAK-0W 500:5 Encompass CT to a JAK-0C 200:5 standard CT

  • Is lighter
  • Has the exact same mounting plate
  • Has the exact same terminal locations
  • Has the exact same window size


Electrically, the accuracy of a JAK-0W 500:5 is equivalent or better than the accuracy of a JAK-0C 200:5 across all test points. This can be looked at two ways:

A 500:5 Encompass CT has ±0.3% accuracy from 200A to 2000A, compared to a standard 200:5 CT which has a ±0.3% accuracy from 200A to only 800A. Both CT’s have ±0.6% accuracy from 20A to 200A.


standard CT vs encompass CT comparison


The 500:5 Encompass CT has equal to or better accuracy rating across the entire 20A to 2000A range. It is important to note that accuracy class only defines the “tolerance of error” allowed in a CT. Actual test results are also an important factor when evaluating CT’s. At a typical burden of B-0.1, the Encompass CT test results slightly outperform a standard CT, even at the lowest test amps. All Encompass test results are well within the IEEE limits.


tested IEEE accuracy class table





* Tested Accuracy Class values shown are for illustrative purposes only, and not a guarantee of performance. Actual results may vary, within defined test tolerances.

Standard CT 
Make & Model 
RatiosOperating RangeGE Encompass 
RatioOperating Range
Itron R6M or R6SA
GEC Durham TCW or TFW
100:5, 200:5, 300:5, 400:5, 500:510A-1000AJCR-0W250:510A-1000A
Itron R6M
GEC Durham AB
200:5, 300:5, 400:5, 500:5, 600:5, 800:5, 1000:5, 1200:5, 2000:520A-2000AJAK-0W500:520A-2000A
Itron R6P
GEC Durham AP
200:5, 300:5, 300:5, 400:5, 500:5, 600:5, 1000:0520A-2000AJAB-0W500:520A-2000A
600:5, 800:5, 1000:5, 1200:560A-2400AJAB-0W1500:560A-3000A
Itron R6L
GEC Durham AD
2400:5, 500:5, 600:5, 800:5, 1000:5, 1200:5, 2000:5, 3000:540A-4000AJAD-0W1000:540A-4000A
600:5, 800:5, 1000:5, 1200:5, 1500:5, 2000:5, 3000:5, 4000:560A-4500AJAD-0W1500:5 

CT Models
CT models JAK-0W, JAB-0W, JCR-0W, JCR-0W, JAD-0W