GE’s Multilin Agile Feeder Protection solution offers advanced protection, monitoring, and control for utilities, industrial plants, onshore and offshore renewable collectors, and more. Serving as primary or backup feeder protection, it is equipped with advanced communication options and extensive monitoring capabilities.

Applicable to distribution and industrial feeders, this powerful yet compact device features a graphical color display for presenting configurable Single Line Diagrams that enables bay monitoring and control. It also provides distribution feeder protection for the detection of faults on compensated networks, and load encroachment on heavily loaded lines.

Key benefits:

  • Small footprint for easy retrofitting of aging infrastructure
  • Intuitive graphical display for effective monitoring, communications, and troubleshooting
  • Advanced functions addressing the challenges of renewable integration
  • CyberSentry™ Advanced Cybersecurity to prevent unauthorized access and cyber attacks
  • Draw-out design for simplified testing, commissioning, and maintenance
  • Cost savings on engineering time and wiring

Multilin Agile

Compact Feeder Protection and Bay Controller

GE’s Multilin Agile Feeder Protection solution offers advanced protection, monitoring, and control for utilities, industrial plants, onshore and offshore renewable collectors, and more. Serving as primary or backup feeder protection, it is equipped with advanced communication options and extensive monitoring capabilities.

Applicable to distribution and industrial feeders, this powerful yet compact device features a graphical color display for presenting configurable Single Line Diagrams that enables bay monitoring and control. It also provides distribution feeder protection for the detection of faults on compensated networks, and load encroachment on heavily loaded lines.

Key benefits:

  • Small footprint for easy retrofitting of aging infrastructure
  • Intuitive graphical display for effective monitoring, communications, and troubleshooting
  • Advanced functions addressing the challenges of renewable integration
  • CyberSentry™ Advanced Cybersecurity to prevent unauthorized access and cyber attacks
  • Draw-out design for simplified testing, commissioning, and maintenance
  • Cost savings on engineering time and wiring

What is Multilin Agile?

Multilin Agile is a compact feeder protection and bay controller device with extensive protection, control, and communications capabilities. The design ensures that performance, sensitivity, customization, and flexibility are delivered along with minimized configuration and commissioning effort. The device is configured using software with few order code variants, providing standardization that mitigates the risk of mis-ordering, enables easy stocking, and reduces spare inventory.

Intuitive software and graphical display streamline and declutter the settings menu by hiding unnecessary elements. Default applications are pre-loaded and a simple configuration column readies the product for application from a single touchpoint for effective monitoring, communications, and troubleshooting.

Multilin Agile 6 inch case

The draw-out design permits fast extraction and insertion with inherent safety features to minimize risks associated with open-circuit CTs. The relay’s printed circuit boards have harsh environmental coating as the standard, to shield from contaminants such as moisture, salt mist, and atmospheric pollution, extending operational life.

Multilin Agile housed in a 30TE (6 inch) wide case supports integrated color graphical display. The device provides advanced functionality, including high-performance protection, extensive monitoring and control functions, redundant Ethernet communication, higher I/O density of up to 30 inputs / 25 outputs, and flexible configuration capabilities in a compact form factor and shallow depth of less than 155 mm behind panels.


In case a standard LCD text display is needed, please refer to P40 Agile Enhanced offering


Multilin Agile Feeder P14D Functional Block Diagram
P40AE Functional Block Digram
ANSI® Device Numbers and Functions
Device NumberFunction
21BLLoad encroachment supervision (Load blinders)
24Volts per Hertz
25Check Synchronising
27Phase and Line Undervoltage
27VPositive Suquence Undervoltage
27QUV Reactive Power
27TTimed Undervoltage
32Phase Directional Power
32NWattmetric Ground Fault
46Negative Sequence Overcurrent
47Negative Sequence Overvoltage
49Thermal Overload
50/27Switch-on to Fault
50Phase Definitive Time Overcurrent
51Phase Inverse-Time Overcurrent
Device NumberFunction
52Breaker and Isolator Control
52PDPole Discrepancy
55Power Factor
59Phase and Line Overvoltage
59VPositive Sequence Overvoltage
67Directional Phase Overcurrent
68Inrush Blocking
86Latching/Lockout Contacts
21FLFault Locator
46BCBroken Conductor
50BFCB Failure
50N/GNeutral/Ground Definitive Time Overcurrent
51N/GNeutral/Ground IDMT Overcurrent
SEFSensitive Earth Fault
51RVoltage Restrained Overcurrent
Device NumberFunction
51VVoltage Controlled Overcurrent
67_2Directional Negative Sequence Overcurrent
59NNeutral Voltage Displacement
67NDirectional Neutral/Ground Overcurrent
81df/dtRate of Change Frequency
81VUndervoltage Blocking
87GRestricted Ground Fault (REF)
CLPCold Load Pick Up
CTS/VTSCT and VT Supervision
 DC Supply Monitoring
 Fast underfrequency
 Underfrequency Restoration
TGFDTransient Ground Fault Detection
THDHamonic Measurement/Protection
YNNeutral Admittance

Advanced Communications

Three communication ports are standard: a rear serial port providing remote communications, a front USB port, and a rear Ethernet for device configuration and management.

Two additional Ethernet ports can be ordered to achieve Ethernet communication redundancy.

Supported Communication Protocols Include:

  • Modbus (RS485 serial or Ethernet)
  • IEC 60870-5-103
  • DNP 3.0 (RS485 serial or Ethernet)
  • IEC 61850 Ed. 2 with concurrent serial connection
  • Redundant Ethernet protocols PRP, HSR, and failover also available with dual RJ45 or dual fiber media

Flexible Hardware

  • Space-saving 4U height with 6" (30TE) case size
  • Wide choice of opto-isolated binary inputs and output relays
  • Binary inputs ESI 48-4 EB2 compliant – avoids spurious pickup from induction on field wiring
  • High density I/Os in various combinations depending on case size option
  • Ungrouped binary inputs for trip circuit supervision
  • Field upgradeable, avoiding costly hardware changes
  • 6" (30TE) models can accommodate:
    • 1 x RS485/IRIG-B interface
    • Up to 3 x RJ45/fiber optic ports for single and redundant Ethernet plus additional engineering access
    • From 11 to 30 binary inputs, and 9 to 25 relay outputs, depending on the order code

Simulation & Testing

To aid commissioning, a simulation feature is provided to test the relay’s functionality and response to programmed conditions, without the need for external AC voltage and current inputs. When placed in simulation mode, the relay suspends reading actual AC inputs, generates samples to represent the programmed phasors, and loads these samples into the memory to be processed by the relay. Normal (pre-fault), fault, and post-fault conditions can be simulated to exercise a variety of relay features. Other test operations, such as an LED lamp testing for each color, contact input states, and testing of output relays, are also possible.

Application Model Selection


ModelHardware BaseIntended ApplicationCase Model
P14NBP14NNon-directional feeder30TE
P14NLP14NNon-directional feeder with autoreclose30TE
P14NZP14NNon-directional feeder with autoreclose and HIF** downed conductor20TE/30TE
P14DBP14DDirectional feeder30TE
P14DLP14DAdvanced directional feeder with autoreclose and check synchronising30TE
P14DZP14DAdvanced directional feeder with TGFD transient ground fault detection30TE
P94VBP94VVoltage and frequency30TE
P94VPP94VVoltage and frequency with autoreclose and check synchronising30TE

Intuitive User interface

Multilin Agile 30TE User Interface

Multilin Agile front panel interface – ANSI version

The front HMI hosts a fully graphical color screen. The front panel supports open, close, local/remote, and direct function key access, facilitating the control of connected switchgear and managing up to six controllable devices. These replace traditional hardwired control scheme switches and annunciation, saving on engineering time and wiring costs.

Sixteen tricolor LED lamps are available and freely configurable, in addition to four fixed-function LEDs that provide a cost-effective solution for annunciation.

Multiple languages are supported with easy switching between English and an additional language on the local display without uploading new firmware.

A USB front port allows ready access by field personnel laptops.

Intuitive Graphical Display

P40AE Phasor View P40AE Extensive Recording P40AE AC Analog Measurements P40AE Enhanced Bay visualization and Control
Phasor view for effective monitoring, commissioning & troubleshooting Extensive recording for in-depth post-fault analysis Accurate, real-time display of AC analog measurements Enhanced bay visualization & control aided by single line diagram display

Product Explorer

Multilin Agile Product Explorer