Reliable Performance in Low Temperatures

GE’s GL 310 S, GL 311 S and GL 312 S live tank circuit breakers for outdoor installation are designed for temperatures down to -30°C with pure SF6. They feature the latest technologies in interrupter chambers and spring-operated mechanisms. Our latest single-motion technology provides an optimum solution for applications within this range of minimum temperature.

GE’s live tank circuit breakers provide a high level of reliability, even under extreme conditions and climates, or in highly active seismic areas. The circuit breakers are completely assembled and pre-filled at the factory before delivery, allowing for quick, easy installation and commissioning with long intervals between maintenance. Compared to other products in GE GE ‘s portfolio within the same voltage range, GL 310 S, GL 311 S and GL 312 S circuit breakers needs 15% less SF6 which reduces the environmental impact by 29 tons equivalent CO2.

GL 310 S, GL 311 S & GL 312 S

Live tank circuit breakers from 100 kV up to 145 kV
Reliable Performance in Low Temperatures

GE’s GL 310 S, GL 311 S and GL 312 S live tank circuit breakers for outdoor installation are designed for temperatures down to -30°C with pure SF6. They feature the latest technologies in interrupter chambers and spring-operated mechanisms. Our latest single-motion technology provides an optimum solution for applications within this range of minimum temperature.

GE’s live tank circuit breakers provide a high level of reliability, even under extreme conditions and climates, or in highly active seismic areas. The circuit breakers are completely assembled and pre-filled at the factory before delivery, allowing for quick, easy installation and commissioning with long intervals between maintenance. Compared to other products in GE GE ‘s portfolio within the same voltage range, GL 310 S, GL 311 S and GL 312 S circuit breakers needs 15% less SF6 which reduces the environmental impact by 29 tons equivalent CO2.

High performance
  • Live tank circuit breakers ensure a high level of reliability
  • Even under extreme conditions and climates or in highly active seismic areas, customers can count on live tank circuit breakers made by GE
Right choice for temperatures down to -30°C
  • Three-pole operated mechanism live tank circuit breakers for outdoor installation are designed for temperatures down to -30°C and feature the latest technologies in interrupting chambers and spring-operated mechanisms
Reduced gas mass/ environmental impact
  • SF6 volume reduced by 15% compared to previous version while optimizing the internal volume
  • CO2 equivalence of gas mass reduced by 29 tons
Easy Installation and Light Maintenance
  • Preset and pre-filled at factory before shipping - no adjustments necessary during installation and  commissioning
  • Long maintenance intervals
  • Easy access to desiccant bags and simple inspections
  • Two-stage transducer densimeters are within easy reach, on the front side of the circuit breaker, for periodic/regular check       
Quality and Testing

GE's live tank circuit breakers meet the latest versions of national and international standards, such as IEC 62271-100. The entire development and production procedures are fully compliant with the latest ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 quality standards.

High Quality Components

The GL 310 S, GL 311 S, and GL 312 S live tank circuit breakers provide high reliability based on high quality components, including :

  • Interrupter chamber with self-blast system and reliable single-motion technology
  • Reliable spring-operated mechanism with position indicator clearly visible from outside
  • Pressure relief system for passive protection of substation and personnel
  • Field-proven, temperature-compensated density monitor with two-stage transducer and three-color dial
  • Easy access to the SF6 filling connection (DILO type)
  • SF6 non-return (check) valve on each pole column
  • Opening and closing spring in drive
  • Steel support frame design prevents corrosion issues and provides high safety for employees and high protection against environmental ingress (e.g. ice)
  • Optimum designed cinematic between mechanism and interrupting chamber to increase mechanical energy efficiency and mechanical moving parts reliability
Technical Characteristics
  • Spring-operated mechanism / degree of protection : FK 3-1 / IP 55
  • Rated operating sequence : O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO resp. CO-15s-CO
  • Rated supply voltage : From 24 V up to 250 V dc/ac
Product Options
  • CBWatch monitoring system

Breaker typeGL 310 SGL 311 SGL 312 S
Rated voltage100 kV123 kV145 kV
Rated frequency50 Hz50 Hz50Hz
Rated normal current3,150 A3,150 A3,150 A
Rated short-circuit breaking current40 kA40 kA40 kA
Rated short-circuit making current100 kA100 kA100 kA
Rated duration of short-circuit3 s3 s3 s
First Pole to clear factor1.3/1.51.3/1.51.3/1.5
Opening time27-37 ms27-37 ms27-37 ms
Breaking time50-60 ms50-60 ms50-60 ms
Closing time≤70 ms≤70 ms≤70 ms
Average ambient temperature**-30 °C up to +40 °C-30 °C up to +40 °C-30 °C up to +40 °C
Design altitude*1,000 m.a.s.l.1,000 m.a.s.l.1,000 m.a.s.l.
Pollution level**25 mm/kV25 mm/kV25 mm/kV
* Standard values according to IEC. Higher design altitudes available on request
** Other temperatures and pollution levels available on request


GL 311 S/312 S †other phase center distance available on request