CERDA Testing Laboratory - Certified and Independent
Located in Villeurbanne, France, CERDA was established in 1929. CERDA and General Electric (GE) share the same site, allowing proximity and partnership for research and engineering of new equipment.
Quality and Confidentiality
To demonstrate its committment to quality, neutrality and impartiality, CERDA is recognized and accredited by a number of organizations, and tests according to a variety of standards.
- COFRAC accredited for testing equipment according to ISO/IEC 17025
- ASEFA certified to provide a full certification with inspector
- ESEF and STL national and international association memberships for full netrality and impartiality
- Tests are performed according to IEC, IEEE, EN, VDE, GOST, FURNAS, GB, DL and other standards or customer specifications
High Power Testing
The high power testing laboratory at CERDA provides the full short circuit test program according to international and regional standards, and is equipped with modern and reliable measurement tools.
High Power Testing Portfolio
- Basic short circuit test duties
- Full pole 420 kV / 63 kA / 50 Hz
- Half pole 550 kV / 63 kA / 50 Hz
- Short line fault tests duties, artificial line simulation up to 63 kA
- Capacitive current switching tests, 420 kV / 63 kA / 50 Hz full pole
- Out of phase making and breaking tests
- 300 kV full pole
- 420 kV and higher in half pole
- Internal arc tests up to 63 kA
- Commutation switching tests in DC
- Power supply di/dt measurement using Rogowski coils
- Arc voltage measurement tests
Technical Capabilities
- Maximum generator output: 2 x 2,500 MVA
- Maximum short-circuit current (single): 100 kA
- Maximum voltage for synthetic tests: 1,000 kV
- Frequency: 50/60 Hz
- 3 x testing halls
Medium Power Testing
The medium power station is equipped with two transformers with 23 MVA each, and it can reach up to 46 MVA in combination. This laboratory is able to perform tests from 10 V to 850 V and up to 4,000 A, when coupled with one regulator transformer.
Medium Power Testing Portfolio
- Short time current withstand up to 80 kA rms for
3 seconds and 160 kAp - Disconnector busbar transfer current up to 4,000 A
- Earthing switch breaking and making of inductive currents
Technical Capabilities
- Transformers: 2 x 23 MVA, 2,000 V
- Regulator transformer:
- 10 V to 850 V and up 4,000 A
- Power factor < 0,15
High Voltage Testing
The high voltage testing laboratory offers several possibilities for short and long term insulation testing, and is equipped with three power frequency transformers and one impulse generator bank. All tests can be performed also under rainy conditions for outdoor equipment. The laboratory provides the necessary tools to measure Radio Interference Voltages (RIV) as well as Partial Discharge (PD).
High Voltage Testing Portfolio
- AC power frequency tests
- Switching impulse tests
- Lightning impulse tests
- DC dielectric tests
- Combined voltage tests (BIAS)
- Chopped wave tests
Technical Capabilities
- Power frequency - up to 1 MV 50 Hz
- Lightning impulse - up to 2.5 MV (1.2 μs / 50 μs)
- Switching impulse - up to 1.6 MV (250 μs / 2,500 μs)
- Direct voltage - up to 1 MV DC
- Partial discharge - up to 750 kV
- RIV testing - up to 550 kV
Temperature Rise Testing
This test laboratory can simulate the impact of the equipment on the environment e.g. the energy losses or radiation under nominal current applications. It is made of two independent, parallel testing rooms with its own current generator and allows to record up to 200 x PT1000 temperature sensors together. The ambient temperature can be controlled up to 40 °C.
Temperature Rise Testing Portfolio
- Short term temperature rise tests
- Long term temperature rise tests
- Calculation of temperature rise values based on the resistance measurement of the current transformers
Technical Capabilities
- Tests in AC – Single-Phase (50/60 Hz) - up to 50 kA
- Tests in AC – Three-Phase (50/60 Hz) - up to 10 kA
- Tests in DC - up to 4 kA
Climatic & Mechanical Testing
The climatic chamber is equipped with one room, which can reproduce extreme environmental conditions and temperatures from -60 °C to +60 °C. Additionally the laboratory is equipped for leakage measurement by accumulation for gases such as SF6, CF4 or g3 – green gas for grid.
Climatic & Mechanical Testing Portfolio
- Icing tests
- Mechanical tests
- Leakage measurements
Technical Capabilities
- Temperature range: -60 °C to +60° C
- Testing room dimensions: 11 x 6 x 6.8 m (D x W x H)
Contact Us
CERDA is located in Villeurbanne, Lyon. Office hours are 8 am to 5 pm weekdays. On French holidays the office is closed.
CERDA Testing Laboratory
21, rue Cyprian
69 100 Villeurbanne, France
T +33 472 68 34 34
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