Urfamily - White Papers/Case Studies
GEA-31987 - White Paper: Strategies for Maintaining Grid Reliability with the Multilin UR Platform2016-10-12
GET-20025B - White Paper: IEC 61850 Interoperability and Implementation2016-05-18
GEA-31951 - Case Study: Top 5 Reasons to Implement Distributed Bus Protection2015-11-18
DistBusProt - Case study: Distributed Bus Protection in the Smart Substation2013-12-16
SocialMedia - White paper: can social media improve grid reliability?2013-12-16
XfrmrTesting - Case Study: Investing in Continuous Transformer Testing2013-12-13
DistanceRelay - Case study: Distance Relay Fundamentals2011-06-21
BrokenBar - Case study: Enhanced Algorithm for Motor Rotor Broken Bar Detection2011-06-21
ArcFlash - Case study: Reducing Arc Flash Risk with the Application of Protective Relays2011-06-21
TCMicrogrid - Case Study: Tieline Controls in Microgrid Applications2011-06-21
SAOpsMaint - Case Study: Secure Substation Automation for Operations and Maintenance2011-06-21
WorkForce - White Paper: Replenishing the Aging Work Force in the Power Industry2011-06-21
Incipient - Case study: Detection of Incipient Faults in Underground MV Cables2011-06-21
Windfarm - Case Study: Windfarm System Protection Using Peer-to-Peer Communications2011-05-21
SIPS - White Paper: Application Considerations in System Integrity Protection Schemes2011-05-21
FaultLocator - Case Study: Fault Locator Based on Line Current Differential Relay Synchronized Measurements2010-12-04
Pcsystems - Case study: Protection and control systems for pulp and paper2010-08-04
PSintegrate - Case Study: Improvements in Power System Integrity Protection Schemes2010-08-04
DistSysProt - Case study: Distribution System Feeder Overcurrent Protection2010-04-26
WorkProc - White Paper: Integrating Complex Work Processes Across Utility Operations2010-04-13
PilotProt - Case study: Application of Digital Radio for Distribution Pilot Protection2010-04-13
DistSubsSG - Case study: Distribution Substation Automation in Smart Grid2010-04-12
Stimulus - White Paper: Stimulus Funds and the Smart Grid: The First Thing We Need to Rebuild is Our Approach2010-04-08
SGComms - White Paper: Communications for the Smart Grid2009-07-02
Paradigm - White Paper: A Paradigm Shift in Protection, Control and Substation Automation Strategy2009-07-02
UPSTech - White Paper: The Digital World and Electrical Power Supply: A Hypersensitive Imbalance2009-07-02
ImpSGcomms - White Paper: Implementing Smart Grid Communications2009-07-02
IntellGrid - White Paper: Smart Grid - The Road Ahead2009-07-02
SmarterGrid - White paper: An Enterprise Information Architecture Enables a Smarter Grid2009-06-29
Distribution - White Paper: The Evolution of Distribution2009-05-21
SGAppl - Case Study: Key Smart Grid Applications2009-02-07
IslLoadShed - Case Study: Design & Implementation of an Islanding and Load Shed System2008-07-18
SIPS - Case Study: Application Considerations in System Integrity Protection Schemes2008-07-18
SGBusCase - White Paper: Leader or Follower, Developing the Smart Grid Business Case2008-06-25
MVDistSys - Case Study: Protection and Control Redundancy Considerations in MV Distribution Systems2006-06-22
PMU - White Paper: Application of Phasor Measurement Units for Disturbance Recording2006-06-22
Peer2Peer - Case Study: Enabling Peer-to-Peer Communications2005-10-30
Synchrophasor - Case Study: Synchrophasor Function within Microprocessor Based Relays2005-10-26
CTSaturation - White Paper: CT Saturation in Industrial Applications. Analysis and Application Guidelines2005-10-25
XMissLine - Case Study: Transmission Line Protection Principles2005-10-25
BackupProt - Case Study: The Importance of Backup Protection Systems2005-10-25
61850deploy - White paper: Unanswered questions about IEC 618502005-10-25
XfrmrProt - White Paper: Impact of transformers inrush currents on sensitive protection functions2005-10-25
HydroGen - Case Study: Split Phase Protection of Hydrogenerators2005-10-25
CyclingLoad - Case Study: Setting a Motor Management Relay for a Cyclic Load Application2005-06-26
XInrush - White Paper: Practical Experience in Setting Transformer Differential Inrush Restraint2005-06-26
MotorApps - White Paper: Motor Protection Principles2005-06-26
PhaseAngle - White Paper: Protection of Phase Angle Regulating Transformers Using Digital Relays2005-06-26