Forming Future Grids

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Accelerated power demand and renewable integration, combined with the sunsetting of conventional power generation technology, are bringing significant challenges to grid operators.

Building on GE Vernova’s legacy of more than 130 years in power electronics including SVCs, STATCOMs, HVDC, and more, our newest FACTSFLEX STATCOM portfolio enhances grid controllability, adds inertia, improves voltage and frequency stability, and increases the power transfer capabilities of AC transmission systems.

What is a FACTSFLEX STATCOM and How Does It Work?

FACTSFLEX Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) solution is a shunt-connected customized system installed on AC transmission networks. It is based on Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC) technology where current is injected or absorbed to regulate the voltage, frequency, and other grid variables. When energy storage is installed, active power is generated/absorbed to improve stability in different grid disturbances. FACTSFLEX can operate either as current source (grid-following) or voltage source (grid-forming).



GE Vernova's traditional grid-following STATCOM is a well established technology. FACTSFLEX Classic provides reactive power compensation and voltage control with a faster response time and a smaller footprint than traditional SVC solutions. 

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GE Vernova's grid-forming STATCOM provides instantaneous natural reactive power injection for grid disturbances. Grid-forming control drives improved damping characteristics and provides a cost-efficient and powerful grid stabilizing solution.

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The FACTSFLEX GFMe is a comprehensive, grid-forming, double-star configured STATCOM with integrated energy storage that stabilizes the grid voltage and frequency during grid disturbances using active and reactive power.

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FACTSFLEX STATCOMs are powerful and flexible systems per se. However for unsymmetric operation range or other grid needs they can be augmented with reactive power elements such as TSR, TSC, MSR, MSC, MSCDN, and/or passive filters or complemented with cross-FACTS solutions like FSC, synchronous condensers, SSSC, and/or UPFC.

Learn More About The Abbreviations
  • TSR: Thyristor Switched Reactor
  • TSC: Thyristor Switched Capacitor
  • MSR: Mechanically Switched Reactor
  • MSC: Mechanically Switched Capacitor
  • MSCDN: Mechanically Switched Capacitor Bank with Damping Network
  • FSC: Fixed Series Compensation
  • SSSC: Static Synchronous Series Compensation
  • UPFC: Unified Power Flow Controller


Main functions of FACTSFLEX STATCOMs include:

Frequency and voltage stability

React to grid voltage and frequency disturbances by injecting or absorbing reactive and/or active power.

Voltage and reactive power control

Adjust reactive power to a user defined level that will support and maintain system stability, improve power transfer capability and compensate for load/generation imbalances.

Power oscillation damping

Control STATCOM output power to dampen oscillations in frequency or power including mitigation of sub-synchronous resonances.

Negative-phase sequence control

Balance asymmetrical loads or balance phase voltages.

Power quality improvement

Active filtering of harmonics and flicker mitigation.

Adaptive controls

Automatic performance optimization and stability monitoring enable adapting to a wider range of grid conditions.

± 300 Mvar


OVER 99%


± 150 MW 5 s


The Benefits of FACTSFLEX

The energy transition, electrification, and decarbonization are exposing grids to evolving challenges. FACTSFLEX STATCOMs provide a solution to foster and stabilize the grid with reactive/active power compensation, extended grid enhancement capabilities, and an improved range of operational voltage with faster response times. Other benefits include:

Long-term service agreements to maximize asset potential

Reduced operational costs

Uninterrupted operation for peace of mind

Digital twin technology and online measurements for enhanced maintenance

Long lifetime due to robust design and thorough testing

Long-term service agreements to maximize asset potential

Reduced operational costs

Uninterrupted operation for peace of mind

FACTSFLEX Solution – Interactive Explorer

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Modular Multilevel Converter (MMC)
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Energy Storage
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Advanced Digital Control (ADC) System
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Step-Down Transformer
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Valve Phase Reactor
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Cooling System
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