MiCOM Agile P746
Centralized Busbar Differential Relay
The MiCOM Agile P746 provides complete protection for MV and HV busbar configurations with up to 2 zones plus a check zone, and up to 18 terminals. The MiCOM Agile P746 provides a centralized one box or three box architecture and is very simple to use. as it does not need to be deeply engineered and supports easy operation and maintenance of busbars.
The MiCOM Agile P746 protects busbar configurations at voltage levels up to extra-high voltage. Proven techniques and dynamic topology processing algorithms offer a combination of security, speed and sensitivity, with simple configuration for centralized architectures.
Key benefits:
- Tripping time is independent of substation topology and number of terminals
- User-friendly software tools for scheme monitoring
- Built-in CT saturation proof breaker failure protection
- Compatible with both conventional and NCITs
- No internal batteries in GE-branded models – removes a maintenance item and eases air-freight logistics
- Advanced binary inputs comply with the harshest norms for surge withstand, plus the ESI 48-4 EB2 standard. Spurious wiring pickup is eliminated without the use of interposing relays, external resistors or time delays. Battery/wiring faults, switching noise, and induction from long parallel circuits are tolerated without mis-operation
- Harsh environment protection extends the life of the product
MiCOM Agile P746
Centralized Busbar Differential Relay
The MiCOM Agile P746 provides complete protection for MV and HV busbar configurations with up to 2 zones plus a check zone, and up to 18 terminals. The MiCOM Agile P746 provides a centralized one box or three box architecture and is very simple to use. as it does not need to be deeply engineered and supports easy operation and maintenance of busbars.
The MiCOM Agile P746 protects busbar configurations at voltage levels up to extra-high voltage. Proven techniques and dynamic topology processing algorithms offer a combination of security, speed and sensitivity, with simple configuration for centralized architectures.
Key benefits:
- Tripping time is independent of substation topology and number of terminals
- User-friendly software tools for scheme monitoring
- Built-in CT saturation proof breaker failure protection
- Compatible with both conventional and NCITs
- No internal batteries in GE-branded models – removes a maintenance item and eases air-freight logistics
- Advanced binary inputs comply with the harshest norms for surge withstand, plus the ESI 48-4 EB2 standard. Spurious wiring pickup is eliminated without the use of interposing relays, external resistors or time delays. Battery/wiring faults, switching noise, and induction from long parallel circuits are tolerated without mis-operation
- Harsh environment protection extends the life of the product


- Typical operating time of 12 ms with high speed/high break contacts or 17 ms with standard contacts
- Phase segregated biased current differential high speed busbar protection
- Easy maintenance, operation and future expansion of the busbar supported
 Deploy in ring-bus/mesh corners, single busbars, sectionalized busbars, and one per bus in breaker and a half topologies

Key benefits:

- Use one box for schemes up to 6 feeders, and 3 boxes (one per phase) for larger schemes up to 18 terminals
- Interoperable with all classes of CT: IEEE, IEC, air-gapped, non-gapped, and CTs with moderate knee point voltage
- 10 integrated function keys, tri-color LEDs, and graphical programmable logic permit the creation of comprehensive schemes, tailored to your needs
- IEC 61850 redundant Ethernet with RSTP and IEC 62439 PRP and HSR – with HSR support for up to 50 nodes in a ring

Functionnal Block Diagram

ANSI© Device Numbers and Functions

Device Number | Function |
87BB | Bus Differential |
50 | Phase Definite Time Overcurrent |
51 | Phase Inverse-Time Overcurrent |
86 | Latching/Lockout Contacts |
50BF | CB Failure |
50N | Earth Fault Definite Time Overcurrent |
50ST | Short Zone Earth Fault |
51N | Neutral/Ground IDMT Overcurrent |
VTS | VT Supervision |
CTS | CT Supervision |
PSL | Programmable Logic |