Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to the iBox.

The Multilin™ DGCM is a versatile Field RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) that can monitor and control a wide range of pole top, pad mount, and underground distribution assets. This compact solution is designed for easy installation on new equipment and retrofit on installed assets, making distribution modernization a cost-effective endeavor.

key benefit 

Improve efficiency and reliability by integrating remote feeders into DMS/OMS/SCADA

Track non-technical losses with real-time energy monitoring

Receive early warning signs of asset failure and approaching capacity limits

Eliminate the need for fault passage indicators with built-in per-phase fault detection

Develop customized control schemes with an advanced logic engine and expandable I/O

Enhance fault location and load flow studies using sequence of event records & trending

Reduce setup and commissioning time with easy-to-use software tools

Use outdoors in harsh environments (-40° C to +65° C)


Automate & control RMU/Pad Mounted Switchgear

Fault detection for Cables in Vaults

Load monitoring & theft identification at Consumer Substations, LV Systems

Identify overload for Pad Mount/Underground Transformer

Monitoring & Control for Pole Top Applications

End of Line Monitoring for optimizing Volt/Var schemes

DGCM Field RTU - Legacy

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to the iBox.

The Multilin™ DGCM is a versatile Field RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) that can monitor and control a wide range of pole top, pad mount, and underground distribution assets. This compact solution is designed for easy installation on new equipment and retrofit on installed assets, making distribution modernization a cost-effective endeavor.

key benefit 

Improve efficiency and reliability by integrating remote feeders into DMS/OMS/SCADA

Track non-technical losses with real-time energy monitoring

Receive early warning signs of asset failure and approaching capacity limits

Eliminate the need for fault passage indicators with built-in per-phase fault detection

Develop customized control schemes with an advanced logic engine and expandable I/O

Enhance fault location and load flow studies using sequence of event records & trending

Reduce setup and commissioning time with easy-to-use software tools

Use outdoors in harsh environments (-40° C to +65° C)


Automate & control RMU/Pad Mounted Switchgear

Fault detection for Cables in Vaults

Load monitoring & theft identification at Consumer Substations, LV Systems

Identify overload for Pad Mount/Underground Transformer

Monitoring & Control for Pole Top Applications

End of Line Monitoring for optimizing Volt/Var schemes


Effective fault isolation is a key feature for grid reliability. The Multilin DGCM provides early warning for downstream overcurrent and earth faults. It can be programmed to isolate a faulted segment, either independently or from the remote. The Multilin DGCM also offers control, monitoring and diagnostics in one integrated, efficient design.


Overcurrent Protection
Instantaneous and time overcurrent functions are available for phase, neutral and negative sequence currents. A variety of time curves are provided, including IEEE/ANSI, IEC A/B/C/long time inverse/short time inverse, definite time and user-programmable curves.


Cold Load Pickup
The Multilin DGCM can be programmed to block instantaneous overcurrent elements, and raise the pickup time of overcurrent elements, when a cold load condition is detected. The cold load condition is detected during the closing of the breaker on a feeder that has been de-energized for a long time. The feeder inrush and motor accelerating currents during breaker closing may be above some overcurrent protection settings.


Overvoltage (OV) Detection
The phase OV protection guards voltage sensitive feeder loads and circuits against sustained OV conditions. It generates alarms when the voltage exceeds the selected voltage level for the specified time delay.

Undervoltage (UV) Detection
The phase UV detection alerts utilities against sustained UV conditions. The UV detector generates an alarm when the voltage drops below the selected voltage level after a specified time delay.

Power Loss
The Multilin DGCM can detect a power loss condition in each phase of the power distribution line. Open/close commands are blocked, unless currents and voltages of each phase fall below minimum set values.

 Application overview

Application overview diagram


Metering and Monitoring
The Multilin DGCM provides high accuracy metering and recording of all AC signals, measuring the following key parameters:
Basic Measurements

• Current: Ia, Ib, Ic, In 
• Phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground voltages for bus and line: Van, Vbn, Vcn, Vbb, Vab, Vbc, Vca 
• Active power (per-phase and total): Wa, Wb, Wc, W 
• Reactive power (per-phase and total): VARa, VARb, VARc, VAR 
• Total active, reactive and apparent energy: MWh, MVARh, MVAh 
• Power factor (per-phase and total) 
• Frequency 


Power Quality Measurements

• Voltage sag/swell
• Current unbalance
• Demand: voltage, current, active power, apparent power, energy, temperature
• 2nd to 15th harmonic for current
• 2nd to 15th harmonic for voltage
• THD in 20% for current
• THD in 20% for voltage


Data management & diagnostics

Event Recorder

To enable more effective distribution, post fault analysis and troubleshooting, the Multilin DGCM provides an integrated event recorder and detailed diagnostic features. The event recorder offers:

• Storage for up to 1024 consecutive events

Trending and Data Logging

The Multilin DGCM provides a 200 channel RMS recorder for advanced disturbance diagnostic features.

The Multilin DGCM data logger helps in better understanding the analog channel behavior, by sampling at a selectable time interval rate of 1 to 60 minutes.

Event recorder & data logger

The Multilin DGCM event recorder enables users to analyze the sequence of events . Each event is stored with the event number, date, time and analog data of interest.




The Multilin DGCM utilizes industry standard communications technologies, making it one of easiest and flexible controllers to use and integrate into new and existing SCADA or DMS infrastructures.

Multiple Protocol Support

Multiple communication ports and protocols allow for remote control and easy access to device and system information. All communication ports are capable of simultaneous communications.

Simultaneous industry standard protocols supported:
• DNP 3.0 – Serial and Ethernet
• Modbus Serial and Ethernet
• IEC 60870-5-104

Integrated Cellular

The Multilin DGCM’s integrated cellular modem eliminates the need for external wireless devices, which reduces infrastructure costs.

Several options for MDS™ radios when purchased with enclosure:
• MDS TransNet

Rear view


Software and Configuration

The EnerVista Suite is an industry-leading set of software programs that simplifies every aspect of using the Multilin DGCM. EnerVista provides the tools to monitor the status of the protected asset, maintain the controller and integrate information measured by the Multilin DGCM into SCADA or DMS monitoring systems.

EnerVista Launchpad

EnerVista Launchpad is a powerful software package that provides users with of the setup and support tools needed for configuring and maintaining GE’s Multilin products. The setup software within Launchpad allows the configuration of devices in real-time, by communicating via serial, Ethernet or modem connections, or offline, by creating device setting files to be sent to devices at a later time.

Setup with EnerVista software, which can reduce device setup and configuration time