State-of-the-Art Technology

GE’s DT series of dead tank circuit breakers are characterized by advanced self-blast interrupters, leak-resistant, cast aluminum single piece enclosures and durable, low-energy spring-operated mechanisms. More than 120,000 circuit breakers with self-blast interrupters and FK spring-operated mechanisms have been in service since 1989.

Field-Proven Reliability

The DT1-245P 63 is available for single pole or for the three-pole gang operation. By utilizing tank heaters, the DT1-245P 63 can be installed in regions with temperatures as low as -60 °C. The interrupter chamber technology utilizes GE’s self-blast principle which is field proven with over 30 years of service experience. This proven technology dramatically reduces the mechanical stress in the chamber, enabling a higher interrupting capability with a lower operational energy requirement.


DT1-245P 63

Dead Tank Circuit Breaker for 245 kV / 63 kA
State-of-the-Art Technology

GE’s DT series of dead tank circuit breakers are characterized by advanced self-blast interrupters, leak-resistant, cast aluminum single piece enclosures and durable, low-energy spring-operated mechanisms. More than 120,000 circuit breakers with self-blast interrupters and FK spring-operated mechanisms have been in service since 1989.

Field-Proven Reliability

The DT1-245P 63 is available for single pole or for the three-pole gang operation. By utilizing tank heaters, the DT1-245P 63 can be installed in regions with temperatures as low as -60 °C. The interrupter chamber technology utilizes GE’s self-blast principle which is field proven with over 30 years of service experience. This proven technology dramatically reduces the mechanical stress in the chamber, enabling a higher interrupting capability with a lower operational energy requirement.


Learn about GE’s advantages in dead tank circuit breaker technology

Spring-Spring-Operated Mechanism

The reduced energy requirements within the breaking chamber allows for the utilization of GE’s world class FK spring-spring mechanism. The combination of the proven FK drive mechanism and interrupter technology results in a significant reduction of reaction forces, thereby reducing foundation design requirements.

SF6-Gas Tightness Guarantee

GE is a leader in the industry in SF6 gas tightness testing technology including seals, castings, and plumbing systems. Each breaker is factory tested using GE’s proprietary gas tightness testing system which provides measurable, quantifiable test results on the breaker in its fully assembled, as-shipped condition.

Certified Quality

GE designs, manufactures, tests and delivers its circuit breakers in accordance with the latest IEEE/ANSI and IEC standards, maintaining a quality assurance system according to ISO 9011 and ISO 14001 certifications.

Superior Manufacturing & Domestic Content

The center of excellence for dead tank circuit breakers is located in Charleroi, PA (USA), where dead tank circuit breakers up to 550 kV and live tank circuit breakers up to 800 kV are assembled. The production lines feature high degree of domestic content, which can help to facilitate compliance with national requirements. In addition, the complete wiring and assembling of low voltage control cabinets and mechanism cabinets is done locally, resulting in greater flexibility to respond to utility needs.

Simplified Installation and Maintenance

The DT1-245P 63 model is factory tested and prepared for shipment with bushings assembled and pre-filled with SF6 gas. As a result, the on-site installation requires only a few simple steps without requiring any special tools. The DT1-245P 63 circuit breaker range has lower maintenance costs and requirements owing to an engineering and design philosophy that has focused on these key needs since the inception of the development process.

Rated maximum voltageRated Voltage245kV
Rated power frequencyRated frequency60/50Hz
Dry withstandAt power frequency dry425/460kV

Rated Lighning impulse withstand voltageAt lighting impulse900/1,050kV
Rated chopped wave impulse voltage 2 µs 1,160kV
Rated continuous currentRated normal current3,000/4,000/5,000A
Rated short-circuit currentRated short-circuit breaking current63kA
Rated closing, latching and short time carrying 164kA
 Rated short-circuit making current164kA
Rated capacitance switching*   
Rated Interrupting time 2/3cycles
 Rated break time33/50ms
Rated standard operating duty 0-0,3s-CO-15s-CO 



* Ratings available upon request. Contact GE for special purpose, high TRV, high X/R or other ratings requirements.
Technical DataValueUnits
Ambient temperature range*-30 +40degree C
Seismic withstand in accordance with IEEE 693-2018  
Creepage distance168/4,257inches/mm
Closing resistor (optional)*  
Weight (without current transformers)8,015/3,643 (GO) and 8,894/4,043 (IPO)lbs/kg
Weight of SF6143/65lbs/kg
* Alternate values upon request

DT1-145 63

Three-pole gang operation

DT1-145 63

Independent pole operation