Plug-and-Play Motor Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Motor Protection Equipment Monitor critical information such as: - Number of motor starts
- Learned motor starting current
- Motor running hours
- History of motor trips
- Real time power quantities (amps, motor load)
- Motor temperature
| | View motor status using digital inputs, analog inputs and RTD inputs. |
| |
Supported Devices: - M60 Motor Protection System
| - 239 Motor Protection System
| - 859 Motor Protection System
| - MM200/MM300 Motor Management System
| - 869 Motor Protection System
| - MM2/MM3 Intelligent MCC Controller
| - 469 Motor Protection System
| - SPM Synchronous Motor Protection System
| - 369 Motor Protection System
| | - 269 Motor Protection System
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Plug-and-Play Transformer Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Transformer Protection Equipment Monitor critical information such as: - Transformer energization status
- Real time power quantities (amps, transformer loading, demand)
- Current harmonic analysis
- Accumulated loss of life
- Tap changer position
- Hottest transformer winding temperature
| | Monitor total harmonic content in each phase for all windings. |
| | |
Supported Devices: - T60 Transformer Protection System
| - 845 Transformer Protection System
| - T35 Transformer Protection System
| - 745 Transformer Protection System
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Plug-and-Play Generator Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Generator Protection Equipment Monitor critical information such as: - Generator loading
- Real time power quantities (amps, volts)
- Generator running hours
- Generator temperature
| | Improve maintenance efficiency by analyzing trip operations. |
| | |
Supported Devices: - G60 Generator Protection System
| - 889 Generator Protection System
| - G30 Transformer Generator System
| - 489 Generator Protection System
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Plug-and-Play Feeder Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Feeder Protection Equipment Monitor critical information such as: - Breaker status
- Accumulated breaker arcing current
- Real time power quantities (amps, volts, demand, energy)
- Synchronism data
| | Easily monitor synchronism levels needed for reclosing of circuit breakers. |
| | |
Supported Devices: - 850 Feeder Protection System
| - 350 Feeder Protection System
| - F60 Feeder Protection System
| - F35 Multiple Feeder Protection System
| - 750/760 Feeder Protection System
| - F650 Feeder Protection System
| - 735/737 Feeder Protection System
| - MIFII Feeder Protection System
| | |
Plug-and-Play Breaker Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Breaker Equipment Monitor critical information such as: - Breaker status
- Number of breaker trip operations
- Real time current, voltage and power levels
| | Monitor breaker equipment with predefined screens. |
| | |
Supported Devices: | - EMVT Enhanced Microversa Trip Unit
| - GTU EntelliGuard TU Trip Unit
| - Entellisys Low-Voltage Switchgear
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Plug-and-Play Power Quality Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Power Quality Equipment and Measure Usage Monitor critical information such as: - Power quality and equipment status
- Load unbalances using real time and maximum and minimum values
- Consumption and cost of energy using inputs from revenue meters
- Amount of total harmonic distortion on the power system
| | Monitor the power quality status for critical devices. |
| | |
Supported Devices: - PQM / PQM II Power Quality Meter
| - EPM 7000/7000P/7100 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 2000/2200 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 9450/9650/9700 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 4600 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 9800 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 5200/5300/5350 Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 9900/9900P Electronic Power Meter
| - EPM 6000/6100 Electronic Power Meter
| |
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Plug-and-Play Backup Power Monitoring Use Viewpoint Monitoring to Monitor Critical Backup Assets Monitor critical information such as: - Availability of normal and emergency power sources
- Status of power source connections
- Real time voltages and frequency
- Switch status, timer settings and control switch position
- Stored events and exerciser schedules
| | Monitor the status of critical backup assets. |
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