Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to the P94V relays.

The Type ICR is a three-phase voltage operated induction-disk time delay relay designed to respond to phase sequence, open phase or undervoltage. Each ICR relay includes a basic induction-disk unit and may also include dual rated target seal-in units.



  • AC machine undervoltage detection
  • Reverse phase sequence detection


Protection and Control

  • Undervoltage
  • Phase sequence
  • Open phase

ICR Phase Sequence and Undervoltage

Manufacturing for this product has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to the P94V relays.

The Type ICR is a three-phase voltage operated induction-disk time delay relay designed to respond to phase sequence, open phase or undervoltage. Each ICR relay includes a basic induction-disk unit and may also include dual rated target seal-in units.



  • AC machine undervoltage detection
  • Reverse phase sequence detection


Protection and Control

  • Undervoltage
  • Phase sequence
  • Open phase