Manufacturing for CEH has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to P342 or 889 or G30.

The type CEH relays are used for the detection of the loss of excitation of synchronous generators, and to automatically remove the generator from service. Loss of excitation can be damaging to the machine, and/or detrimental to the operation of the system. It is recommended that loss-of- excitation protection be considered for all synchronous generators.

Protection and Control 

  • Loss of excitation
  • Impedance unit

CEH Loss of Excitation Relay - Legacy

Manufacturing for CEH has been discontinued. As an alternative, please refer to P342 or 889 or G30.

The type CEH relays are used for the detection of the loss of excitation of synchronous generators, and to automatically remove the generator from service. Loss of excitation can be damaging to the machine, and/or detrimental to the operation of the system. It is recommended that loss-of- excitation protection be considered for all synchronous generators.

Protection and Control 

  • Loss of excitation
  • Impedance unit