The EB-25, -26, and -27 terminal blocks are molded one piece design available in 4, 6, and 12 points.

They are furnished with washer-less head binding screws (#10-32) for circuit wire connections. The blocks are supplied with a black marking strip with white numbers on one side, and white unmarked on the reverse side for circuit identification. To mount the terminal block, drill for a No. 10 screw. The board will accommodate No. 18 to No. 10 inclusive wire sizes.

The EB-26 is of the same construction and dimensions as the type EB-25, except the claim type connections are furnished for circuit wire connections. The board will accept wire sizes No.18 to No.10 inclusive.

The EB-27 terminal block is the same as the type EB-25, except that short circuit strips are supplied in lieu of a marking strip.

EB-25/26/27 Terminal Boards

The EB-25, -26, and -27 terminal blocks are molded one piece design available in 4, 6, and 12 points.

They are furnished with washer-less head binding screws (#10-32) for circuit wire connections. The blocks are supplied with a black marking strip with white numbers on one side, and white unmarked on the reverse side for circuit identification. To mount the terminal block, drill for a No. 10 screw. The board will accommodate No. 18 to No. 10 inclusive wire sizes.

The EB-26 is of the same construction and dimensions as the type EB-25, except the claim type connections are furnished for circuit wire connections. The board will accept wire sizes No.18 to No.10 inclusive.

The EB-27 terminal block is the same as the type EB-25, except that short circuit strips are supplied in lieu of a marking strip.